We provide custom demographic work for government agencies, school districts, and private organizations throughout the United States

City of Fremont, California
“IT IS MY PLEASURE TO RECOMMEND LGDR. I am the City Attorney of Fremont and was faced with a major problem. The City was threatened with a Voting Rights Act claim. The City had no experience with districting of any sort and yet was expected to create and approve a new districted electoral system in a very short time frame. The Council would change from an at-large Council of 5 to a mayor and 6 council members elected by district.
LGDR did an amazing, professional job for the City of Fremont while it moved from at-large to by-district elections. They responded quickly and comprehensively to many different requests from the city council and members of the public. They met the tightly structured timeline required by state law and worked well with City staff members. They produced many high-quality maps which we enlarged and hung in in the Council Chambers which were helpful to members of the public. And they did it with a calm and steady hand giving confidence to the Staff, Council and Community. And they provided essential maps and data for posting on the City’s website. I highly recommend these LGDR for districting and redistricting services and expect to use them after the next census.”
Harvey Levine, City Attorney
City of Fremont, California

State Center Community College District
“It was a pleasure working with Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research in establishing our trustee areas with the Census 2000 data, and then realigning them after Census 2010. We were pleased with the quality of their analysis, their responsiveness, and the high-quality, carefully drawn maps. Dr. Gobalet’s presentations of sometimes difficult topics in public hearings and board meetings were clear and helpful. I look forward to working with them again.”
Gregory Taylor, General Counsel
State Center Community College District

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant to the General Manager
Monterey Peninsula Water Management Districtt

Orinda Union School District
Jerri Bucci, Director, Business Services
Orinda Union School District, Orinda, California

Emery Unified School District
“Lapkoff & Gobalet’s presentation and report took complex information and organized and distilled it in a way that enabled policymakers and the community as a whole to understand the data and appreciate the implications for planning. We were particularly impressed by their professionalism, insight, and ability to grasp the policy issues and to structure their findings to support collective decision-making. We are deeply grateful for their contributions to fostering informed understanding and thoughtful dialogue as we plan Emeryville’s Center of Community Life.”
Joseph Frantz, Chief Business Official
Emery Unified School District, Emeryville, California

Los Altos School District
“Lapkoff and Gobalet’s enrollment projections have been accurate to within 1%–astounding! They are quick to respond whenever we have questions or need information. Shelley and Jeanne are very convincing presenters at our board meetings. They have made themselves indispensable to our district.”
Randy Kenyon, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Los Altos School District, Los Altos, California

Palo Alto Unified School District
“Lapkoff and Gobalet have been producing enrollment projections and other demographic analyses for Palo Alto Unified School District for over 10 years. They are very good technically, and even more importantly, they are insightful and have wonderful intuition about enrollments and attendance boundary realignments. Shelley Lapkoff has made many appearances here before parent and community groups, as well as the Board of Education. Her presentations have always been extremely informative, understandable, and astute. She is a tremendous asset in the area of student demographics and it is a delight to work with her.
Robert Golton, (retired) Deputy Superintendent
Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, California
Salinas Union High School District
“To tout the thoroughness and accuracy of Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc., is to understate the quality of their work. In the Salinas Union High School District, Dr. Gobalet was involved directly in two important projects. In the first she supplied projections for realigning our middle school attendance boundaries. At the completion of the process in working with a large task force of community members, Dr. Gobalet was commended for her work. Dr. Lapkoff’s enrollment forecasts were less than 14 students off of the actual enrollment approximately a year later. A magnificent job, taking into consideration the multitude of factors in projecting middle school student areas. In the second project, Dr. Gobalet provided the leadership in the Census 2000 realignment of trustee areas. She again worked with a very diverse group and redrew trustee areas, taking new demographic patterns into account. In both projects, Dr. Gobalet was very professional and LGDR’s projections were extremely accurate, facilitating the positive flow of recommendations that were finally adopted. This is an organization that knows and understands the business of demographics.”
Fernando R. Elizondo, (retired) Superintendent
Salinas Union High School District, Salinas, California

BFGC Architects Planners, Inc.
“These ladies are the ‘Gold Standard’ and, literally, wrote the book on demographic projections–they are the very best and always professional.”
David R. Cartnal, FAIA
BFGC Architects Planners, Inc.
Grant Joint Union High School District
“LGDR provided excellent demographic research services to our District. They have the ability to synthesize a myriad of complex data and quantify that data into easy-to-understand language. We highly recommend them without reservation to any other school districts needing competent, thorough, and insightful demographic analyses.”
Jacques S. Whitfield, District General Counsel
Grant Joint Union High School District, Sacramento, California

County of Monterey
“My professional association with Dr. Shelley Lapkoff and Dr. Jeanne Gobalet extends back well over a decade. With this history, I am fully prepared and willing to attest to their accomplishments as researchers, demographers, communicators, and educators.”
William D. Barr, Ed.D., (former) Monterey County Superintendent of Schools
Monterey County, California
West Valley - Mission Community College District
“LGDR is simply the best consulting firm with which I have ever had the pleasure to work. Our District completed a review of its trustee service areas and, ultimately, chose one of 12 plans that Jeanne Gobalet carefully and competently crafted to redraw trustee areas within the District’s boundaries according to brainstorming and direction from the Board of Trustees. Not only that, she also managed the process by which we received approval from the County Committee on School District Organization. In the past, I have had my share of complaints concerning the value and competence of some consultants. But LGDR stands heads and shoulders above any with which I have worked . . . on any subject! Jeanne was exhaustively thorough, an excellent time manager, a skilled pacifier and unifier, and backed everything up with data and research that was presented in an easy to understand and professional PowerPoint format with appropriate hard copy back-up. Finally, working with Jeanne was a pleasure; her warm, easy-going approach was calming and supportive. LGDR will never disappoint!”
Albert M. Moore, M.S.W., Special Assistant to the Chancellor
West Valley-Mission Community College District, Saratoga, California

College of Marin
“We were extremely pleased with Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research’s work for our community college district. Their demographic analysis and report are helpful in big ways: support for the bond measure, facilities planning, and the accreditation process. The board is extremely happy and very proud of the report. Dr. Gobalet made an excellent public presentation to the board.”
Dr. Frances L. White, Superintendent/President
College of Marin, Kentfield, California

Castro Valley Unified School District
“LGDR has provided Castro Valley Unified School District with services related to the demographics of our community for the past 15 years. These accurate enrollment projections of our needs provide clear, concise, and reliable information for staff and board decisions. This database has been used effectively to win community support of two general obligation bonds. Moreover, community surveys have indicated strong community confidence in the financial and demographic data presented by the district which is based on the expertise of LGDR.”
James C. O’Conner, (retired) Deputy Superintendent, Business Services
Castro Valley Unified School District, Castro Valley, California

San Leandro Unified School District
“While I was Superintendent between 1992 and 2002, Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc., provided analyses to the San Leandro Unified School District. Each year we received a valuable, updated demographic analysis that was very useful for our facilities planning. Dr. Lapkoff’s Board and staff presentations were excellent. She presented complex and detailed information in an easy-to-understand and interesting way. I strongly recommend that other school districts consider using the services of Lapkoff and Gobalet to assist them in their long range facilities planning.”
Thomas Himmelberg, (retired) Superintendent
San Leandro Unified School District, San Leandro, California

Santa Clara County Public Health Department
“We have been pleased to work with Lapkoff & Gobalet since 1992. They contribute a degree of demographic expertise that we have not had on our staff. We have used their post censal population estimates for computing rates of many different diseases and conditions. Their GIS proficiency has been useful for our spatial analyses and mapping. We highly recommend them to other public health agencies.”
Nhien Thien Luong, MPH
Senior Health Care Program Manager
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Epidemiology & Data Management Unit

San Mateo Union High School District
“The San Mateo Union High School District contracted with Lapkoff and Gobalet to assist its administration in making difficult decisions regarding changes in the District’s attendance boundaries. This is a very volatile issue for any school district. Through numerous public presentations, Drs. Gobalet and Lapkoff proved to the Administration, the community, and to the Governing Board of the District that they are experts who excel in producing not only accurate data, but data which are communicated in a multimedia format easily understood by schools and community.”
Samuel Johnson, Jr., Superintendent
San Mateo Union High School District

County of San Diego
“The County of San Diego retained Dr. Gobalet as an expert in a trial concerning redistricting, including redistricting software and computer mapping. Dr. Gobalet has considerable expertise in these areas, and has an educator’s ability to explain complicated technical issues in understandable layperson’s terms. Moreover, Dr. Gobalet was extremely responsive to our requests for assistance, including helping to develop lines of questioning during testimony and traveling across state on short notice to testify at trial. We were very satisfied with Dr. Gobalet’s services, and would be pleased to recommend her as an expert.”
Laurie Orange
Senior Deputy County Counsel
Office of County Counsel, County of San Diego

Mathematics, Science, Engineering Achievement
“Thanks again for your excellent presentation for the Board of Directors. It really helped set us on the right trail and led to some very useful conversations over the two-day meeting.”
Oscar F. Porter, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)
University of California Office of the President

National Business Officers Association
“Shelley Lapkoff did an excellent job presenting to our group of independent school business officers. They came from all over the country. Shelley’s ability to use demographic information to help our members see the future trends that may impact their schools was terrific! In addition to being informative, the presentation was fun and engaging.”
Sarah P. Daignault, Executive Director
National Business Officers Association

University of Southern California
“Your [Shelley Lapkoff’s] presentation of school enrollment forecasts and its crucial role in the second panel made it one of the liveliest and engaging panels we have ever had. Truly, you made an excellent contribution to the day.”
Julie Parks, Associate Director of the Population Dynamics Research Group Director of the 18th Annual University of Southern California Workshop, “Planning for the Well-Being of Children in California”

Dairy Council of California
“Our staff thoroughly enjoyed the presentation made by Ms. Lapkoff on California demographic trends and their impact on our marketing and communications strategies. The data she presented through maps and charts was very interesting and applicable to the territory designations with which our staff operates. She clearly had tailored the information to our specific needs and requests. Finally, she engaged the audience frequently and effectively through cueing questions posed at the end of each major section. This sparked considerable discussion among staff that raised pertinent points. We deemed the session an unqualified success!”
Mary Anne Burkman, MPH, RD
Director, Program Services
Dairy Council of California
City of Salinas
“The Salinas City Council’s decision to hire Lapkoff & Gobalet provided our Council-appointed redistricting committee with valuable support in navigating through the United States Justice Department’s pre-clearance requirements. Monterey County is one of four counties in California that is required to have Justice Department approval before a redistricting plan can take effect. Dr. Jeanne Gobalet was extremely knowledgeable in regards to federal laws related to pre-clearance issues. More importantly, she understood the make-up of our community, its dynamics and history.
“Dr. Gobalet brought instant credibility to the process, which elevated the trust level of committee members. She effectively worked with the entire committee and members of the community participating in the process. Her support led to the Redistricting Committee’s recommendation to the City Council being unanimously approved. As a result, the City was able to get pre-clearance from the Justice Department within our established parameters, which ensured the regularly scheduled City Council elections could take place on time. Kudos to Dr. Gobalet!”
Anna M. Caballero, (former) Mayor
City of Salinas, California

East Bay Housing Organizations
“On June 7, 2004, the East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO) sponsored the “Affordable Housing and Education Forum” in which Dr. Shelley Lapkoff developed and presented information on the relationships between affordable housing and public education. In working with Dr. Lapkoff, we found her responsive, professional, knowledgeable about the issues, and energetic. Her presentation was effective: interesting and accessible to a wide audience of school administrators, educators, developers, housing advocates, and representatives of community-based organizations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research.”
Sean Heron, Executive Director
East Bay Housing Organizations
K-12 Public School Districts
- Alameda Unified
- Alisal Union
- Belmont-Redwood Shores School District
- Brisbane Elementary
- Castro Valley Unified
- Carmel Unified
- Cupertino Union Elementary
- Emery Unified
- Enterprise Elementary
- Gonzales Unified
- Grant Joint Union High
- Hayward Unified
- Inglewood Unified
- Kerman Unified
- Los Altos Elementary
- Los Gatos Union Elementary
- Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High
- Menifee Union
- Monterey County Board of Education
- Monterey Peninsula Unified
- Mountain View-Los Altos Union High
- New Haven Unified
- North Monterey County Unified
- Oakland Unified
- Orinda Union
- Palo Alto Unified
- Perris Union High
- Pleasanton Unified
- Salinas Union High School
- San Francisco Unified
- San Bernardino City Unified
- San Jacinto Unified
- San Jose Unified
- San Leandro Unified
- San Lorenzo Valley Unified
- San Mateo Union High
- San Rafael City
- Sonoma Valley Unified
- South San Francisco Unified
- Stockton Unified
- Sylvan Union
- Tracy Unified
- Union Elementary
- North Slope Borough School District
California Community College Districts
- Hartnell
- Gavilan
- Monterey Peninsula
- Cerritos
- Chabot-Las Positas
- College of Marin
- San Joaquin Delta
- San Jose/Evergreen
- State Center
- West Hills
- West Valley-Mission
Government Agencies
Federal Government
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
State Governments
- California State Attorney General
- Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Local Governments and Public Entities
- Alameda County Counsel
- Alameda County Office of Education
- City of Hollister
- City of Salinas
- City of Santa Clara
- Dallas Housing Authority (Texas)
- Maricopa County (Arizona)
- Menlo Park Library
- Monterey County Board of Supervisors
- Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
- Mott Foundation
- San Benito Health Care District
- Santa Clara County Health Department
- San Diego County Counsel
- Town of Huntington, NY
- Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
- West County Wastewater District
Business and Non-Profit
Non-Profit Organizations
- Girl Scouts of the United States
- Kaiser Permanente
- Reform Fresno Unified
- United Way
and Private Schools
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Stanford University
- Bezel-Durst-Seise, Inc. (architects and planners)
- Country Day School, Inc.
- Decision Demographics (Catholic Diocese analysis)
- Smith Quality Homes (Contra Costa County, CA)