Our Demographic Reports
Papers and Presentations
Draft Election District Plans for Transitioning from At-Large Election of Directors to by-District Election of Directors, West County Wastewater District
Overview of WCWD districting plans. We have developed eight basic plans for the WCWD Directors and public to review. Each plan meets the equal population legal requirement. January 7, 2020
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Presentation to Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment, San Francisco Unified School District
Modelling SFUSD Elementary Attendance Area Boundaries. (Powerpoint presentation) . April 15, 2019
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Update for CACF Detailed Demographic Trends and Forecasts, Los Altos School District
Enrollment, birth, and migration trends, grade progressions, new housing, new and prior forecasts. (Powerpoint presentation) . March 15, 2019
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Presentation to Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment, San Francisco Unified School District
Methodologies and challenges to drawing neighborhood school boundaries. (Powerpoint presentation). May 3, 2018
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Demographic Analyses and Enrollment Forecasts, San Francisco Unified School District
Our forecasts of San Francisco enrollments indicate substantial enrollment increases, primarily from housing growth. The housing construction under way and planned in the City will add many students to SFUSD’s, schools. Four neighborhoods are being transformed by new development (Mission Bay, Candlestick Point, Hunters Point Shipyard/San Francisco Shipyard, and Treasure/Yerba Buena Islands), and a large part of Parcmerced is being re-built. February 16, 2018
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Demographic Findings, Los Altos School District
Enrollment trends, grade progressions, forecast range. (Powerpoint presentation). April 24, 2017
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Proposal to Reorganize Fresno Unified School District as Two Unified Districts
In 2011, a number of community members formed Reform Fresno Unified to encourage the reorganization of Fresno Unified. LGDR, Inc. was asked by the group’s project manager to work independently to develop a proposal to reconfigure FUSD into two separate unified districts, roughly equal in size, and in accordance with requirements of the California Education Code. September 12, 2014
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Minority Voting Strength
How much is enough and how much is too much? Measuring Hispanic political strength for redistricting purposes. April 26, 2012
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The School Closure Crisis: A Challenge for Demographers
Demographers can help decide whether school closures are warranted and which schools should be closed. We provide enrollment forecasts. We analyze where students enroll versus where they live and provide attendance area forecasts showing which subareas of a school district are losing students. March 31, 2005
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The School Closure Crisis
Fiscal concerns are forcing many public school districts to close schools. When facing the need to consider school closure, stakeholders can call on demographers. Winter 2004
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California’s Ethnic Trends
California’s ethnic mix is shifting rapidly and so is the way people see themselves and others. Ethnic and racial classifications are used by many public and private organizations in efforts to achieve legal and socioeconomic equity. Fall 2003Click Here to Read the Report
Forecast of Emeritus Faculty/Staff Households on a University Campus
Administrators of a major California university were concerned because the share of on-campus faculty and staff housing owned by retired individuals or their surviving spouses has increased substantially during the last ten years. September 26, 1999
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Enrollment Trends
Kindergarten decline since 1995 in most California counties. Fall 1998
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Birth Trends & School Enrollments
Fifth year of California birth decline – a new trend? July 1997
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Targeting At-Risk Children and Adolescents for Decision Makers
Santa Clara County, California, the electronics industry’s “Silicon Valley,” is one of the nation’s most affluent counties. However, it has poverty pockets with serious public health problems. The author has used GIS techniques to help the County Health Department identify these poverty pockets and study their health characteristics, including prevalence of adolescent childbearing, sexually transmitted diseases, infant mortality, and prenatal care. May 1996
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What You Can Do With GIS (Geographic Information System Software) in Health Services
GIS (geographic information system) software has various health care applications. It can be used to describe and analyze geographical distributions of diseases and persons at risk of developing diseases. It can also be used to target prevention efforts and to locate treatment sites. The software allows data to be visualized, and can be used in analyses of geographical and longitudinal variation. May 6, 1994
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How to Figure Kids
Forecasting the child population is crucial for school officials, but it is also essential for businesses that serve families. In Palo Alto, demographers and school officials project change among children by measuring rates of birth and in-migration. To their surprise, the team found that change in the number of elderly women may determine the future size of their schools. January 1994
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Voting Rights Act Issues in Political Redistricting
Monterey County’s uneven geographical distribution of persons ineligible or disinclined to vote created uncertainty about how to meet the Voting Rights Act requirement that districts be constructed to enable minority group members to elect representatives of their choice.
March 1993
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Projecting Births in a California School District
School district administrators need 10 or even 20-year enrollment forecasts for facilities planning. One of the most important variables in producing long-range forecasts is the birth trend in the community. March 12, 1993
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Changing from At Large to District Election of Trustees in Two California Community College Districts: A Study of Contrasts
One of the primary ways Latino groups are attempting to gain political power in the west is by pressing for modification of election procedures. They urge change from at large election of officials to election from single member districts. 1991
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