Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al.

Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al.

Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al., 1983. Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al., 1983. In this fair housing case, Michelle Porter (an African American) sued the Davis Realty Company for housing discrimination. Shelley Lapkoff,...
Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al.

Diaz v. San Jose Unified School District

Diaz v. San Jose Unified School District, 1985-1996. Diaz v. San Jose Unified School District, 1985-1996. Dr. Lapkoff provided analyses for school district attorneys to determine what enrollments (by ethnicity) would be with and without the court-ordered desegregation...
Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al.

Project Sentinel v. Herman Christensen, Jr.

Project Sentinel v. Herman Christensen, Jr., 1994-95. Project Sentinel v. Herman Christensen, Jr., 1994-95. Project Sentinel, a nonprofit corporation, sued an apartment owner for discriminating against children under its occupancy standards. Drs. Lapkoff and Gobalet...
Michelle Porter, et al., v. Davis Realty Company, et al.

Thompson v. HUD

Thompson v. HUD, 2002-2004. Thompson v. HUD, 2002-2004.  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of Baltimore were sued by the ACLU over the siting of public housing.  We were hired by the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate...